Opinion: The Umbrella Thing Was Very Cool and Based Actually

BYU student John Bell, also known as @thedanitebowieknife on Twitter, shared his thoughts on Color the Campus, and surrounding events that took place yesterday.  “Not that I pay attention to these things, but it feels like wearing clothes with a clear political agenda doesn’t have a place on campus.” he added that “BYU is supposed to be a safe space for members, but stuff like … Continue reading Opinion: The Umbrella Thing Was Very Cool and Based Actually

Hundreds of students refuse to return 750,000 pounds of Hot Pockets recently discovered to be contaminated with glass and plastic

As the news broke that around 750,000 pounds of the dorm-favorite snack “Hot Pockets” were contaminated with pieces of glass and hard plastic, shockwaves were sent to colleges and universities throughout the nation. There were many who immediately returned their recently purchased “Hot Pockets” to stores and demanded a refund. Others, however, were not so eager to return their prized pocket pizzas.   “I literally … Continue reading Hundreds of students refuse to return 750,000 pounds of Hot Pockets recently discovered to be contaminated with glass and plastic


BYU Student Thanks Pandemic for Allowing Him to “Manspread”

McCabe McKellar, a 21 year-old BYU student, posted a video tribute to COVID-19 on Instagram earlier today. In the tribute he thanked COVID-19 and the global pandemic for allowing him to manspread anywhere he goes. He said that this crisis has changed his life for the better: “So many new opportunities have opened up for me! I can manspread on the bus, at airports, and … Continue reading BYU Student Thanks Pandemic for Allowing Him to “Manspread”

“It’s a Good Thing There’s No Racism at BYU,” Says White Midwestern Student

Recent coverage of police brutality towards black Americans across the nation have left much of the public shocked and outraged. With such perturbing acts of violence­ happening to such a significant portion of the population, some young people are trying to keep their idealism intact by looking to the bright side. “Police brutality is an awful thing,” said Owen McKay, a BYU student from the … Continue reading “It’s a Good Thing There’s No Racism at BYU,” Says White Midwestern Student