BYU Student Meal Preps by Buying 10 Little Caesars Pizzas

In an effort to be more frugal and efficient with his weekly meals, sophomore Jeighdyn Jensen has come up with an ingenious plan: Buy all his pizza ahead of time.  “I reckoned that I could eat one pizza a day, give or take a couple slices. I figured ten was a good round number and that would give me a little extra leeway if I … Continue reading BYU Student Meal Preps by Buying 10 Little Caesars Pizzas

Mortifying: Computer Science Student Clearly Showered This Morning

Everyone can remember a time they were truly embarrassed. Maybe you’ve tripped on a flat surface, botched a performance, or been seen at the campus gym. But at least you’ve never been the only person in the room who remembers the last time they showered. Nosewitnesses reported that Lehi Gene, a computer science major in his freshman year, very obviously took a shower before attending … Continue reading Mortifying: Computer Science Student Clearly Showered This Morning

Arranged Marriages Making a Comeback in Utah Young Adults

Dating in Utah is famously tricky. The prominence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the social pressures to marry young can skew the chemistry between aspiring couples, even on that first ice cream date. Some young adults in Utah have chosen to sidestep the difficulties of first dates and introductions and pass the responsibilities on to their parents by entering arranged … Continue reading Arranged Marriages Making a Comeback in Utah Young Adults

Confusion Arises Regarding Newly Named KWMB

BYU students in the College of Music have rejoiced over the new music building. The horrors of having to play in the decrepit HFAC are now behind them, and the music building will no longer be shared with the art students. It would seem to an outsider that all departmental political strife would have ceased, but for BYU students, this is unfortunately not the case.  … Continue reading Confusion Arises Regarding Newly Named KWMB

Poli Sci Student Prepares to Dominate Thanksgiving Politics Debates

Jarom Jorgensen, a sophomore at BYU studying political science, is now prepared for the debates with his family over Thanksgiving dinner. Jarom has both very conservative and liberal relatives who will inevitably start fighting over current political affairs. According to him, this year will be different. He is studying to be a lawyer and is now obviously smarter than everyone in his family, especially the … Continue reading Poli Sci Student Prepares to Dominate Thanksgiving Politics Debates