Seeking to Do Their Part, Nation’s Karens Flood ‘Racism Inc.’ with Complaints, Negative Reviews

Typically Karens are known for berating restaurant staff and making unreasonable demands of grocery store workers. Lately however, they’ve utilized their grievance airing capabilities for good. While millions around the country idly watch the protests and riots in Minneapolis, thousands of suburban soccer moms have thrown their support behind activists in the best way they know. By early Thursday morning hundreds of negative Yelp! reviews … Continue reading Seeking to Do Their Part, Nation’s Karens Flood ‘Racism Inc.’ with Complaints, Negative Reviews

Good News: Piranha-Related Deaths Reach 10-Year Low

It appears that widespread stay-at-home advisories have not only helped slow the spread of COVID-19, but they have also had some other unintended positive consequences. According to sources at the International Center for Piranha-Related Casualties, piranha-related deaths are reaching the lowest levels seen since 2010. “Typically we see increases in piranha attacks during the summer months when people are more likely to enter bodies of … Continue reading Good News: Piranha-Related Deaths Reach 10-Year Low

JC Penny’s Announces They Have Been Closing Stores for Years to Prepare for COVID-19

In a statement to the press, JC Penny’s confirmed that they have been closing stores for years to prepare for COVID-19; a move that has been described, by many business analysts, as the greatest game of 4D chess ever played. The statement reads: “At JC Penny’s we don’t make any business decisions without the guidance of Samantha Flair. Samantha is our local essential oils guru, … Continue reading JC Penny’s Announces They Have Been Closing Stores for Years to Prepare for COVID-19