Provo Voices: BYU Beats Utah

Tonight the BYU Cougars beat the Utah Utes ___ to move to 9-0. Reactions to the game were overall positive, but many have thoughts about the off-the-field effects in the wake of the big win.   “We were supposed to talk about tithing, but I just changed it to ‘Endure to the End.’ I didn’t ask our Elders Quorum President, but I’m sure he’ll understand.” … Continue reading Provo Voices: BYU Beats Utah

BYU Conservative Votes Blue to Rub It In Utah’s Face

Normally, Jenson McButton would vote Republican down the whole ticket. However, BYU doesn’t usually play Utah during the week of Election Day. Because the two are playing this week, Jenson can have no red anywhere in his life. “I’m a lifelong conservative, but I hate the University of Utah more than I hate Leftists,” said McButton. “Normally I love to say ‘Choose the Right’ on … Continue reading BYU Conservative Votes Blue to Rub It In Utah’s Face

The Piano Guys Announce “Dispensations” Tour

From the most sensational music group among latter day saint dads and kids with restricted Youtube access, The Piano Guys will be performing all across the globe in what will be known as “The Dispensations Tour.” The international tour will feature elaborate music, costume, and set design inspired by each dispensation of the gospel.  “I heard that during the Jaredite Dispensation they’re gonna just start … Continue reading The Piano Guys Announce “Dispensations” Tour

The Haunting History of the Cougareat

If you’ve ever felt uneasy in the Cougareat food court, it might be from more than just a bad chalupa or an extra spicy Chick-fil-a sandwich.  The Cougareat is one of BYU’s iconic landmarks and has a storied and far reaching history, predating the University itself.  Thousands of years ago, hunter-gatherers often stopped on this spot to make camp and swap stories. The great warrior … Continue reading The Haunting History of the Cougareat

5 Signs Your Apartment Ghost is Just a Roommate You Haven’t Met

With the season of eating leaves and hiding from ghouls well underway, assuming a ghost is using all your barbecue sauce is a logical conclusion, but it’s not the only possibility. Keep an eye out for these common symptoms of a reclusive roommate. 1. Your laundry detergent is running suspiciously low Studies have shown that between ghosts and roommates, ghosts are less likely to do … Continue reading 5 Signs Your Apartment Ghost is Just a Roommate You Haven’t Met