15 Amazing Gap Year Experiences

Congratulations, class of 2023! Some of you will go on to do great things, and others of you will take a break before doing so. Here at the Alternate Universe, we compiled a list of 15 enriching experiences to boost your resume before applying to graduate or professional school. Work at Gap. Make it clear that your situation is temporary by having the word “Gap” … Continue reading 15 Amazing Gap Year Experiences

Breakup Rumors Confirmed as Taylor Swift is Spotted on Mutual

Taylor Swift has it all. She’s currently touring the United States and making millions singing to her ever-devoted Swifties, while continuing to write heartbreaking bangers for women everywhere, of all ages. However, while she seems to have it all, she is missing one thing: an eternal partner.  Rumors hit the internet that Taylor Swift and her long-term boyfriend Joe Alwyn had split a few weeks … Continue reading Breakup Rumors Confirmed as Taylor Swift is Spotted on Mutual

BYU Student Prepares for Possible Flooding by Building Ark

With the record amount of snowfall along the Wasatch Front, the possibility for flooding is dramatically higher this spring. Residents and local governments are preparing in multiple ways. One sophomore at BYU is taking a very unique approach. Noel McArkin felt compelled to construct an ark to keep himself safe from harm. “I’ve never seen this much snow during my 22 years (minus two obviously … Continue reading BYU Student Prepares for Possible Flooding by Building Ark

Breaking: Worst Person You Know Just Got Engaged

Against all supposed odds, the worst person you have ever met just got engaged to the love of their life. There really is someone for everyone—except maybe someone single, pleasant, and normal like you. In an exclusive interview with The Worst Person You Know, The Alternate Universe was able to get an idea of their future plans. “My insufferable fiance and I are excited to … Continue reading Breaking: Worst Person You Know Just Got Engaged

5 Gangs to Watch out for in Provo

Far from the beacon of safety it was once known as, Provo, Utah has recently been ranked #4 in the nation for gang violence. Taking a moment to familiarize yourself with these groups may help you to protect yourself and your family. Tunnel Singers This gang’s stronghold is located under the tunnel in front of the Marriot Center. They are most hostile when shaded in … Continue reading 5 Gangs to Watch out for in Provo