Student Does Not Intend to Shave Beard for Fall Semester: ‘How Will They Know What’s Under My Facemask?’

Steven Meyers* has been growing out his beard while attending BYU summer classes online and has no intention of shaving it when he returns in the Fall. Meyers claims he’s been getting a lot more attention on Mutual, and that girls “totally dig” his new look. He also likes the look personally. “It’s not just about the ladies, although a fulfilling dating life doesn’t hurt, … Continue reading Student Does Not Intend to Shave Beard for Fall Semester: ‘How Will They Know What’s Under My Facemask?’

Young Man Organizes Dangerous Underground Dance Party Just to Ask Crush to Slow Dance

New reports coming in suggest that a controversial dance party held in Provo Friday night was simply one young man’s attempt to find love. The youth organizer (name of minor redacted) turned 14 in March and was really excited to start going to stake dances. Unfortunately, that has not been possible due to the pandemic. During this lockdown period he has also been in constant … Continue reading Young Man Organizes Dangerous Underground Dance Party Just to Ask Crush to Slow Dance

5 Ways to Tell If Your Current Relationship is Real, or Just a Response to Soul Crushing Loneliness

Have you started a relationship with someone since April? If you’re anything like us, you’re probably wondering if it’s based on real mutual affinity, or is just a psychological crutch to deal with current events. After consulting some of the world’s most eminent psychologists, we’ve made a simple list of five methods to help you decide! Do you find that after meeting with this person, … Continue reading 5 Ways to Tell If Your Current Relationship is Real, or Just a Response to Soul Crushing Loneliness

Lehi Fire Actually Just Elaborate Marriage Proposal, Authorities Say

  While early reports suggested the wildfire sweeping through Lehi and Saratoga Springs this past week was sparked by firework misuse, authorities now say that it was all a carefully controlled burn orchestrated by madly-in-love Hyrum Byer.  Aerial photography aided the investigation as the message “Marry Me?” was etched through the burning brush of Traverse Mountain.   Byer, 21 and newly engaged, said in an interview … Continue reading Lehi Fire Actually Just Elaborate Marriage Proposal, Authorities Say

getting married soon

Provo Girls Prepare Their Parents for Upcoming Weddings With All Missionaries Returning Home Early

Missionaries have been returning from all over the world, catching the attention of over 68% of the single BYU females, who have begun actively updating their Pinterest wedding boards. “I had a three-year plan for BYU that included waiting for my missionary,” said Hayeleigh Holland. “Now that my boyfriend, Raustin, has been released, I need to speed up my plans so we can get married … Continue reading Provo Girls Prepare Their Parents for Upcoming Weddings With All Missionaries Returning Home Early