JC Penny’s Announces They Have Been Closing Stores for Years to Prepare for COVID-19

In a statement to the press, JC Penny’s confirmed that they have been closing stores for years to prepare for COVID-19; a move that has been described, by many business analysts, as the greatest game of 4D chess ever played. The statement reads: “At JC Penny’s we don’t make any business decisions without the guidance of Samantha Flair. Samantha is our local essential oils guru, … Continue reading JC Penny’s Announces They Have Been Closing Stores for Years to Prepare for COVID-19

worthen mow lawn

President Worthen Mows Lawn for 4th Time This Week

With the virtual Spring term well underway and nothing to do but look out his window, sources confirm that President Kevin J. Worthen has become fixated on the state of his lawn. Neighbors have spotted him combing bushes with a hairbrush and report that he is at this very moment getting out the lawnmower to go over his front yard for the fourth time this … Continue reading President Worthen Mows Lawn for 4th Time This Week

Zoom Announces New Account Option ‘Zoom Singles,’ to Partner with Mutual as Date Hosting Platform

Earlier this week, Zoom­ announced the launch of their newest account option, “Zoom Singles.” Zoom, a video conferencing service widely used during social distancing efforts, plans to partner with Mutual to host dates organized on the dating app. “It’s a game-changing innovation in the dating world,” said a developer working on the upgrade. “Only issue was finding where to beta-test this option. We thought, ‘Who … Continue reading Zoom Announces New Account Option ‘Zoom Singles,’ to Partner with Mutual as Date Hosting Platform

Provo landlords rent hike

Provo Landlords Concerned Online Classes Will Limit Rent Hikes

As BYU moves forward with online Spring term classes, Provo-area landlords are worried that moving classes online in the fall could present an issue to their business. While some apartment complexes have taken laudable steps to alleviate the stress their tenants are dealing with, others have taken a different approach. “With a decrease in students coming to Provo for classes, we anticipate the need to … Continue reading Provo Landlords Concerned Online Classes Will Limit Rent Hikes