First Missionaries Called to Space Following UFO Hearings

Following the bombshell Congressional hearings on UFOs last week, reports have surfaced of prospective missionaries receiving interstellar calls to serve. The first to receive such a commission has been confirmed to be Charley Burningham, of Castle Rock, Colorado. Charley’s bishop, Joshua Brady, was unsurprised by the news. “Charley has always been a unique boy,” said Bishop Brady. “Growing up, his favorite scripture was Facsimile Two … Continue reading First Missionaries Called to Space Following UFO Hearings

Bishop Condemns Member For Inactivity, But Member Was Attending Missionary Farewells

This past Sunday was a day of reckoning for Lynnzeigh Bunderson. After returning home from her 3rd missionary farewell of the day, she received a knock on the door from her bishop. Her bishop asked if she was available to speak right then, and Lynnzeigh confirmed. It was then that the bishop spoke his words: “Your chronic inactivity is inexcusable and must be repented of … Continue reading Bishop Condemns Member For Inactivity, But Member Was Attending Missionary Farewells

Tithing Changing to Subscription Plan that Unlocks “Church Perks”

Tithing is a largely faith-based aspect of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although everyone has heard the occasional story of a starving couple magically finding groceries on their porch after paying their tithing, there are no tangible promised blessings that come from paying a full tithe other than being able to pat yourself on the back after the end-of-year meeting with your … Continue reading Tithing Changing to Subscription Plan that Unlocks “Church Perks”

FHE Dads Celebrating This Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day! We all have men in our lives we celebrate today—our own fathers, grandfathers, and uncles, as well as bishops, mission presidents, our brothers and brothers-in-law, mission companions, and of course, Mutual hookups. But one oft-forgotten group deserves special remembrance today: YSA FHE Dads. These loyal young men establish and maintain their FHE families on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, … Continue reading FHE Dads Celebrating This Father’s Day

15 Amazing Gap Year Experiences

Congratulations, class of 2023! Some of you will go on to do great things, and others of you will take a break before doing so. Here at the Alternate Universe, we compiled a list of 15 enriching experiences to boost your resume before applying to graduate or professional school. Work at Gap. Make it clear that your situation is temporary by having the word “Gap” … Continue reading 15 Amazing Gap Year Experiences