Church Leaders Finally Define “Passionate Kissing”

In the For Strength of Youth pamphlet, the church directs: “before marriage, do not participate in passionate kissing”. For years, this counsel has left righteous Latter-Day Saint youths and young adults scratching their heads- what qualifies as “passionate kissing”? This morning, the First Presidency released a statement clarifying the Lord’s stance on kissing before marriage. It marked the first official instruction regarding chastity within the … Continue reading Church Leaders Finally Define “Passionate Kissing”

BYU Fires Bridge Troll After Y Lit in Trans Flag Colors

Last Saturday evening, despite BYU’s new (and not at all homophobic) protest policies, a group of parents and allies lit up the Y in the colors of the transgender pride flag to show support for LGBTQ+ students. The following week, BYU announced that it was firing Chemish, the Bridge Troll guarding the mountain. “I’m not supposed to comment on ‘gay issues’ but one can say … Continue reading BYU Fires Bridge Troll After Y Lit in Trans Flag Colors

Oscar for Best Actor Goes to Guy Pretending to Be Interested at Wilk Booth with Free Cookies

The votes are in. The 94th Academy Awards has named “the guy feigning interest at the Wilk booth in order to get a free cookie” the best actor of 2021. An exclusive interview with this man at the Oscar’s after party revealed more about what motivated his performance. “I have 23 cents in my bank account. I have subsisted on nothing but free booth cookies … Continue reading Oscar for Best Actor Goes to Guy Pretending to Be Interested at Wilk Booth with Free Cookies

Disappointed Local Man’s “Intramural Champion” T-Shirt Not Enough to Woo Women

After scoring zero points and acquiring six fouls in his team’s intramural championship game, Karl Stockton was ready to take on the world. Stockton, who teamed up with his mission companion’s old high school basketball team, fulfilled his biggest dream since he came to BYU: become an intramural champion. “This is why I’ve been putting in all that work,” Stockton said. “Taking beginning basketball every … Continue reading Disappointed Local Man’s “Intramural Champion” T-Shirt Not Enough to Woo Women