DoTERRA Intern Cures Cancer In Between Doing Nothing and Pretending to be Working

Summer internships are a double-edged sword. On one hand, you get a great experience that will make your resume stand out from the rest. But on the other, you have to pretend that you are deeply entrenched in work while you try to beat your solitaire high score. The struggle of pretending to do work is a challenge that every intern must go through. They … Continue reading DoTERRA Intern Cures Cancer In Between Doing Nothing and Pretending to be Working

How to Get Released from Your Calling

We’ve all been there. You gave it your all, but it’s just too much. Whether your calling is in primary or activities coordination, or wether your reason for quitting is a person who have to work with or a lack of time, we’ve got you covered. Here are our top 5 ways of getting that long-deserved release: Swear a lot. Group chats, meetings, any time … Continue reading How to Get Released from Your Calling

Couple Joins Mutual to Find Third Scripture Study Buddy

Tiffaleigh and Brad created a joint Mutual account last week to find someone to spice their daily scripture study. After two and a half years of marriage, they have decided to try something new. “I just get so tired of reading all of the “and it came to pass’s” said Brad in an exclusive interview with The Alternate Universe. “I’m just hoping to find someone … Continue reading Couple Joins Mutual to Find Third Scripture Study Buddy

Things “Stranger Things” Got Wrong about Utah

We all have seen the show Stranger Things. It is amazing; however, there are some plot holes and missed details that are nearly impossible to ignore. Utah is getting more attention in the media. With this attention comes a lot of inaccuracies. Here is a list of them: That is not I-15. Also, they photoshopped downtown to be right in front of a mirror image … Continue reading Things “Stranger Things” Got Wrong about Utah

‘Confusing’ JKB Converted Into Mini-Golf Course

Everybody’s 7th favorite building on campus just got a new makeover. Heavily influenced by the constant complaints and confusion centered around wayward ramps, the Jesse Knight Building has recently been converted into a state-of-the-art mini golf course. ”I was just about to finish my engineering degree until I saw this change,” uninspired Lucas Byers told the Alternate Universe. “I was inspired to change my major … Continue reading ‘Confusing’ JKB Converted Into Mini-Golf Course