BYU’s Vocal Point Disbands Due to Mandatory Military Service

As news broke that the members of the boy-band BTS had been called to serve in their country’s military, millions of quirky white girls were devastated. You can only imagine the outrage when they heard that 69-time Grammy Winning Group, BYU Vocal Point, was the next to fall. “I ripped down the American flag hanging outside my parents’ third house,” Renzie Wood snapchatted The Alternate … Continue reading BYU’s Vocal Point Disbands Due to Mandatory Military Service

Missionaries expand technology use to Omegle, Reddit, Tumblr, Discord, Yikyak, AskFM, Quora and Bumble BFF

With the arrival of Coronavirus upending the world in 2020, missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were forced to adapt to new ways to find and teach nonmembers. After some serious trial and error, the young Elders and Sisters have transformed Facebook from a social media platform for geezers into a platform for virtual teaching and finding. As the majority of … Continue reading Missionaries expand technology use to Omegle, Reddit, Tumblr, Discord, Yikyak, AskFM, Quora and Bumble BFF

Alert: The Daily Universe is Just a Scam and Parody: DO NOT READ

It has recently come to the attention of The Alternate Universe that there is another “so-called” student-run news source at BYU. They call themselves The Daily Universe and are clearly a rip-off and scam of our very excellent and high quality newspaper. “We are obviously the original and more-trustworthy newspaper. Just look at how many more followers we have than The Daily Universe” pointed out … Continue reading Alert: The Daily Universe is Just a Scam and Parody: DO NOT READ

Pope Agrees to Read the Book of Mormon if BYU Beats Notre Dame

In this classic ‘gentlemen’s bet’, the Pope has agreed to read the Book of Mormon if BYU beats Notre Dame. President Nelson has subsequently agreed to move to Vatican City so they can play Scrabble more often. “I always kick his butt in scrabble so I’m confident that my Cougars will do the same,” President Nelson told the Alternate Universe. Initially, the two spiritual powerhouses … Continue reading Pope Agrees to Read the Book of Mormon if BYU Beats Notre Dame

Has Anyone Seen Ukulele Guy Recently?

It is yet again the start of another amazing semester at BYU campus. Bees are humming, birds are singing, and BYU has only made national headlines twice so far. The semester is far from normal, however. You may have noticed a change in the atmosphere. “What is this unsettling feeling?” you may ask. After some digging, we have realized that the ukulele guy is nowhere … Continue reading Has Anyone Seen Ukulele Guy Recently?