Heartwarming: Star Crossed Lovers From BYU Sports & ACT Prep Camps Star in Musical

Over the spring and summer semesters, BYU hosts overnight camps for high school students. From For the Strength of Youth camps (the replacement for EFY) to Sports camps to art and academic camps, there are a plethora of camps that run on and off all summer. This last week, BYU hosted the first basketball camp of the summer as well as an ACT prep camp. … Continue reading Heartwarming: Star Crossed Lovers From BYU Sports & ACT Prep Camps Star in Musical

Woman Makes Shrek Shrine after Roommate Moves Out

During the spring/summer semesters as many students leave Provo for a much-needed break some may feel a sense of loss or emptiness. However,  BYU student Kayliegh Jones has decided to fill the loss of her roommate with a ginormous Shrek shrine in her now private room. In an exclusive interview with The Alternate Universe she described her creative process. “When my old roommate Brynlieghsa moved … Continue reading Woman Makes Shrek Shrine after Roommate Moves Out

Support Group Formed for People Who Graduated Without a Ring

After years of hard work, papers, tests, and trauma, all Steve Cragun was left with was a lousy diploma when he graduated from BYU. According to Cragun, he didn’t endure six years of his Bachelor’s Degree just to walk away with some stupid piece of paper; he was hoping to find his eternal partner at BYU. But like many recent grads, Cragun found himself spouseless … Continue reading Support Group Formed for People Who Graduated Without a Ring

Eight Things to Do with Your Free Time Now that Classes are Over

As winter semester wraps up, students not taking spring classes are left with a lot more free time. Here are eight things you should do this spring/summer before life gets crazy again in the fall. Hike the Y! – Don’t forget to bring some raw meat to sacrifice to the dragon that protects Y mountain from protests! Get Mutual – All the cool kids are … Continue reading Eight Things to Do with Your Free Time Now that Classes are Over

LeVar Burton to host surprise devotional for Reading Day

LeVar Burton, the longtime host of Reading Rainbow, is set to give a surprise devotional for all students studying on Reading Day. BYU administrators asked Burton to summarize the study guides for every class in a fifteen-hour devotional. The devotional has already begun and will go until midnight in the Marriot Center. Burton opened the devotional with, “Every major matters just as much as the … Continue reading LeVar Burton to host surprise devotional for Reading Day