5 Signs Your Apartment Ghost is Just a Roommate You Haven’t Met

With the season of eating leaves and hiding from ghouls well underway, assuming a ghost is using all your barbecue sauce is a logical conclusion, but it’s not the only possibility. Keep an eye out for these common symptoms of a reclusive roommate. 1. Your laundry detergent is running suspiciously low Studies have shown that between ghosts and roommates, ghosts are less likely to do … Continue reading 5 Signs Your Apartment Ghost is Just a Roommate You Haven’t Met

Slacker? This Woman Skipped Class to Work on Class

Leave it to midterm season to separate the wheat from the tares. While many have been putting their shoulder to the wheel this past week, others are cutting corners. Namely, Railen Smith. This double major completely blew off her eternal families class this morning to work on her huge philosophy 864R paper that’s due tonight. While Railen has historically been a star student, this disappointing … Continue reading Slacker? This Woman Skipped Class to Work on Class

Vegetarians Protest Steak Conference

Every fall, hundreds of stake conferences are held across the country. Typically not much happens, but this weekend has been different. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) found out about these “steak” conferences and they were not happy. PETA immediately sent out a call to protest every possible conference. Members of PETA pulled out all the stops to protest. “It’s unbelievable that … Continue reading Vegetarians Protest Steak Conference

‘Dress to Impress’ Features First Ever General Conference Theme

The popular Roblox game announced the new theme during the latter portion of Sunday morning session. Outfits ranged from Sunday best to Sunday rest, including formal attire and loungewear alike. While there were many impressive outfits that contended for the podium, only three were voted into victory. The winner’s circle collectively resembled the current Relief Society Presidency, which many are finding a humorous coincidence. Professional … Continue reading ‘Dress to Impress’ Features First Ever General Conference Theme

Top Meet-Cutes in the Scriptures

Adam and Eve We have to start with the OGs. These two didn’t know anything (literally), but they knew that they were supposed to be together from the moment they saw each other.   Isaac and Rebekah It played out like a modern-day romcom, because the first time these two lovebirds saw each other, Rebekah jumped off her camel and asked her bestie about the … Continue reading Top Meet-Cutes in the Scriptures