Summer Brings Huge Spike in Amount of People in Your Life You Weren’t Expecting to See in Shorts

A Utah Valley poll conducted last week revealed an upward trend of figures such as bishops, professors, and bosses embracing their summer bodies. Many have been sighted at ward barbeques, tailgating parties, and enjoying the waterpark with the family. “There are enough hot dogs for seconds guys!” said Bishop Greg Gretsky, who was seen manning the grill at Provo 12346759034857th ward’s annual barbeque. While students … Continue reading Summer Brings Huge Spike in Amount of People in Your Life You Weren’t Expecting to See in Shorts

New Study Abroad Program

The Kennedy Center at BYU announced a new study abroad program. Set for a maximum of 85 students and their families per week, this is projected to be the highest-grossing program yet. “Our vision was to create a program in which students will spend just as much money for a normal study abroad, yet simultaneously gain no cultural experience whatsoever,” says program organizer Sally McQueen. … Continue reading New Study Abroad Program

Student Admits He Never Actually Liked Rap Music After Listening to Kendrick Lamar’s Newest Album

“Life as a white male is a predictable yet constant cycle. As the species evolves, so does its musical taste. Prototypical white males begin their musical journey by listening to Coldplay. The syncopated rhythms and subtle beats of Coldplay lead the white male on a path of alternate rock and Imagine Dragons binging. But once the white male fulfills this destiny, they become enthralled by … Continue reading Student Admits He Never Actually Liked Rap Music After Listening to Kendrick Lamar’s Newest Album

5 Primary Songs that Still Slap

Some songs are just too good to outgrow. As summer sets in and you start cultivating your perfect party playlist, consider adding some of these throwback jams: “Feliz Cumpleaños” Feliz Cumpleaños is the hottest crossover single in church history. Said to be Justin Bieber’s inspiration for his 2017 cover of “Despacito” with Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi, this track will make you wanna dance your … Continue reading 5 Primary Songs that Still Slap