Church Announces New Missions in the ‘Upside Down’

Getting called to serve just got a lot more complicated… Building up to the release of the final episodes of the hit Netflix show, Stranger Things, the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints shocked the world with a huge announcement. Beginning in 2023, missions throughout the world will expand to the ‘Upside Down’. For those who hate good TV shows, the ‘Upside Down’ in … Continue reading Church Announces New Missions in the ‘Upside Down’

BYU Virginity Club Ex-Admin Create BYU Non-Virgin Club

The Brigham Young Virginity Club is a “Utah-based club dedicated to preserving and promoting Virginity on college campuses”. A popular account on Instagram, @byuvirgin has accumulated over 56k followers. Recently, BYU Virgin has made several posts about how their old admin were “soft and pathetic”, and have been replaced. The new account admin have stated that “there will be NO tolerance for people who mock … Continue reading BYU Virginity Club Ex-Admin Create BYU Non-Virgin Club

5 Niche Places to Grab a Bite in Provo

We’ve all been there before. Your family comes to town and wants to go out to eat or maybe you really want to impress that girl from your religion class that you finally asked out. Your mind goes blank although Provo is full of unique restaurants and eateries. Well, here are the top 5 picks from The Alternate Universe’s editorial staff of hole-in-the-wall restaurants to … Continue reading 5 Niche Places to Grab a Bite in Provo

5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Wedding

It is wedding season! You know what that means – loads of time spent waiting through your friends’s weddings, dreading the next one each time they come around. Utah is in a wedding slump. Each and every wedding is as boring as they get, most of them lacking a DJ, or, heaven forbid, dancing altogether. No offense, but your 14-year-old uncle’s mp3 player isn’t gonna … Continue reading 5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Wedding

Five Best Summer Jobs to find your Eternal Companion

Many college students choose to work full time over the summer to save up money, rather than taking classes. This is no different in our favorite little town of Provo, but saving up money often becomes a secondary motive. As always, these horn- I meannn high standard holding BYU students are doing everything they can to find their eternal companions, and having missed the ring … Continue reading Five Best Summer Jobs to find your Eternal Companion