Here’s What Provo Residents are Resolving to do in 2023

New year, new you. As January comes into full swing, see how Utah County is committing to grow and change in 2023. Cosmo the Cougar is going vegan. Your roommate who’s never home is finally going to learn your name. BYU’s famous statue family is hoping to travel more. A local little boy promises he will keep his eyes closed for the whole prayer. The … Continue reading Here’s What Provo Residents are Resolving to do in 2023

Totally Valid Excuses Tell Your Parents about Why You’re Still Single

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. After a long drive in icy conditions or a hectic flight via Spirit Airlines, many of you have finally made it home. Now comes the dreaded question of why you’re still single. Fear not, for we have a list. We have compiled a collection of answers to give parents, nosy aunts, and random people from your home … Continue reading Totally Valid Excuses Tell Your Parents about Why You’re Still Single

BYU Nativity Production Faces Criticism Regarding Their Fully White Cast

As the world enters the full swing of the Christmas season, Nativity reenactments have begun to pop up. Christian groups all over the country place their own spin on the birth of Jesus Christ and the celebration of Christmas. A Nativity troupe in Provo, though, has reached the hindrance of criticism regarding their completely and totally racially white cast.“ Representation in Christ’s gospel should be … Continue reading BYU Nativity Production Faces Criticism Regarding Their Fully White Cast

5 Ways to Stop Segway Jerks from Running You Over

There is an epidemic of segway riders at BYU, and the administration has done nothing to regulate the usage. There are signs preventing bike riding between class switching, but nothing for segways or hoverboards. In the meantime, here are some brilliant ideas to stay safe. Say no. Nobody can run you over without your consent. Channel your inner Dora the Explorer and tell them, “Segway … Continue reading 5 Ways to Stop Segway Jerks from Running You Over