George Santos Claims Extend to Pioneer Heritage and More

Over the last few weeks, US House representative George Santos has had many details of his life revealed to be untrue. In addition to claiming Jewish ancestry and working at Goldman-Sachs, he has doubled down. Santos is now claiming multiple pioneer heritages and other LDS-related aspects of his life. According to Santos, he had ancestors who survived the Mormon Trail as part of the Martin … Continue reading George Santos Claims Extend to Pioneer Heritage and More

Chamber of Secret Combinations Open in Abandoned HFAC

Harrison Potsen was in high spirits after the BYU/ Barton Quidditch Match, and returning to his dorm in Heritage Halls with his friends when he reported to hear a voice in his head. As he crossed from the Kimball tower to the Harold B. Lee Library, the voice grew louder, leading him across the campus until he and his friends came to the rubble surrounding … Continue reading Chamber of Secret Combinations Open in Abandoned HFAC

Confusion Arises Regarding Newly Named KWMB

BYU students in the College of Music have rejoiced over the new music building. The horrors of having to play in the decrepit HFAC are now behind them, and the music building will no longer be shared with the art students. It would seem to an outsider that all departmental political strife would have ceased, but for BYU students, this is unfortunately not the case.  … Continue reading Confusion Arises Regarding Newly Named KWMB

President Nelson Forgets Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandson’s Name During Baby Blessing

On Monday, President Nelson’s twelfth great-great-great-great-grandchild was born. Problem is, he already has 758 direct living descendants, and that is a lot of names to keep track of. Somehow, there are no repeat names because of creativity giving rise to such great works of art that include the names McBambreigh, Jeanupher, Truxtersen, M3gan, Breauxleigh, and many more.  Eddeligne “Eddee” Munson, the mother of the baby, … Continue reading President Nelson Forgets Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandson’s Name During Baby Blessing

Bishoprics Scramble to Install Red Carpet in time for First Official “Runway Sunday”

It’s long been established that the first Sunday of each new semester is a critical time to make good first impressions on fellow ward members. With this golden opportunity to check one another out in a socially acceptable way drawing near, the YSA 377th Stake Presidency have decided to light the fuse on Provo’s powder keg of young adult hormones by christening this day the … Continue reading Bishoprics Scramble to Install Red Carpet in time for First Official “Runway Sunday”