Newly Discovered Joseph Smith Prophecy Accurately Predicts Entire MCU

In Doctrine and Covenants section 87, Joseph Smith accurately predicted the coming Civil War, 30 years before it began. This was not enough to convince his doubters of his prophetic calling. Well, let’s see them try to explain this. While demolishing the HFAC, construction worker Tim Devon discovered a box underneath a granite slab. In the box was discovered a 50 page prophecy, accurately and … Continue reading Newly Discovered Joseph Smith Prophecy Accurately Predicts Entire MCU

Angel Moroni Shot Down After Being Mistaken for Spy Balloon

“And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” When Apostle Matthew wrote these words, did he consider the military ramifications this great reckoning would bring? Unlikely, yet here we are. Two days ago, General Dusty Kilgore of the United States Air … Continue reading Angel Moroni Shot Down After Being Mistaken for Spy Balloon

Amidst Inflation Crisis, Finger of the Lord Turns Stones to Eggs

It’s no secret that America is facing a heartbreaking egg shortage right now. Stores are buckling under the pressure of trying to sell eggs they don’t have. Roommates grapple with contention as eggs are stolen from their prized cartons. Vegetarians waste away, unable to consume their singular source of protein. Anguished by these events, a faithful son of God by the name of The Brother … Continue reading Amidst Inflation Crisis, Finger of the Lord Turns Stones to Eggs

Puss in Boots 2 Disappoints, Makes No Mention of Christ or His Gospel

On this episode of Movies With Macho Man, Macho Man gives his insights into the new DreamWorks animated film, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. This weekend, I was able to watch Puss in Boots 2, and frankly was disappointed by what I saw. I obviously wasn’t keen on Puss’s nudity, nor his aggressive and violent nature. However, the themes and motifs of this film were … Continue reading Puss in Boots 2 Disappoints, Makes No Mention of Christ or His Gospel

BYU Honors Black History Month By Giving Black Students Their Very Own Luxury Bathroom In the MARB Basement

Across the nation, the public school system and universities have been honoring Black History Month this February in varying ways. Some schools choose to honor African-American icons from history, some schools spend the month highlighting Black history, and some schools construct a separate bathroom for their Black students. That is, one school constructed a separate bathroom for their Black students. This February, Brigham Young University … Continue reading BYU Honors Black History Month By Giving Black Students Their Very Own Luxury Bathroom In the MARB Basement