Golden Plates Found In Melting Utah Snowpack

Weather experts and politicians have been warning Utahns about the nearly 200% snowpack this year. Emergency preparation has already begun for the soon-to-come street floods. However, it turns out that water isn’t the only thing coming out of the melting snow. Thanks to one brave hiker on the Y Mountain, we now know of the location of the Golden Plates. Barry McBussentyre claims he was … Continue reading Golden Plates Found In Melting Utah Snowpack

God announces He prefers to be thanked for “the rain” rather than “the moisture”

With the beehive state and many others facing drought conditions of increasing seriousness, local leaders and general authorities alike have encouraged the members in their stakes to pray for rain. Somehow during this invitation for supplications of precipitation, a large portion of members got the idea that rather than use the word “rain” to describe what they wish to receive, they should instead say “moisture.” … Continue reading God announces He prefers to be thanked for “the rain” rather than “the moisture”

Kirby Heyborne Given Lifetime Achievement Award at Oscars

He starred in The R.M. He shone in The Best Two Years. He hosted a BYUTV show that your Grandma really likes. And now, he has an Oscar. Kirby Heyborne, Mormon actor, has been awarded an Academy Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to the art of film. The award was presented by Quentin Tarantino, who said the following: “Kirby has truly redefined the art form. We … Continue reading Kirby Heyborne Given Lifetime Achievement Award at Oscars

LDS Church Releases New AI Tool ‘ChatCTR’

Imagine a world where devotionals are unoriginal, lacking in the Spirit. Where prayers are no longer inspired, they are generated. Where Sunday School lessons and sacrament meeting talks no longer have to be written by a human. We are now living in this world, thanks to the newest AI development: ChatCTR. While sacrament meeting talks used to be an agonizing slog of preparation, with ChatCTR, … Continue reading LDS Church Releases New AI Tool ‘ChatCTR’

Kevin Worthen accidentally bulldozes WILK instead of HFAC

Kevin Worthen, president of BYU, wanted to help in the demolition of the HFAC and rented his own bulldozer. However, because Kevin rarely leaves the ASB, he did not know which building the HFAC is. He drove his bulldozer straight into the side if the WILK. After taking out a few rooms, Kevin posed for some photo ops outside to show off his work. K-dubs … Continue reading Kevin Worthen accidentally bulldozes WILK instead of HFAC