Commemorative “Pumpkin Spice” Option Introduced to Sacrament Meeting

In a dual effort to celebrate the beauty of fall and increase YSA ward attendance, the Utah Area Presidency has introduced a new pumpkin spice sacrament option. The recent change comes after a supposed correlation was found between a drop in fall YSA Ward attendance and a surprising rise in Starbucks revenues within the Utah Area. Further research found that this revenue spike came not … Continue reading Commemorative “Pumpkin Spice” Option Introduced to Sacrament Meeting

The Sun is Back

The Sun has returned. Yes, dear readers, through our combined prayers and diligence, we have brought back the orb of plasma that gives light and life to all on this ball of dirt. “Well, I guess I can get back to sinning,” was the response of Chet Jeffrey, Village resident and Aptive salesman. “I almost deleted Mutual, I was so scared.” Others, including Bradley Worthington, … Continue reading The Sun is Back

The Sun is Gone

At approximately 10:28 am on Saturday the 14th, panicked observers in Utah reported that the Sun had disappeared. “ALL THERE IS IS A BLACK HOLE SURROUNDED BY FLAMES!” said Cannon Q. Georgeson, BYU freshman and business major. “THE END IS HERE!” Utah Governor Spencer Cox, BYU President C. Shane Reese, and other state officials prepared a military response to the darkening of the Sun. “We … Continue reading The Sun is Gone

Testing Center Line grants sufficient time for couple to meet, date, get engaged and marry before arriving at the front.

While you were studying your wet chemistry note cards in the rain for 12 hours, Abby and Tanner Rasmussen were building a bond that would stand the test of time. Tanner was near the back of the testing center line when he noticed a bare ring finger beside him and decided to ask the lovely young women it belonged to if she would lend him … Continue reading Testing Center Line grants sufficient time for couple to meet, date, get engaged and marry before arriving at the front.