Crowded MARB Hallways Force Emergency Classroom Birth

Students across BYU campus are calling for action after a recent emergency birth occurred in the worst building on campus. Jennica Nielson, a returned missionary of 10 months, was in her “Intro to Motherhood” class at  Thomas L. Martin Building (more infamously known as the MARB), when right at 9:49, her water suddenly broke. Her gasp of surprise, along with the subsequent contractions, however, were … Continue reading Crowded MARB Hallways Force Emergency Classroom Birth

Deseret Book Announces Lonely Ghost Collaboration

Deseret Book has officially announced the release of a spiritually centered Lonely Ghost spring collection. Holy Hipsters everywhere are practically foaming at the mouth. All is lonely in Zion! The Christian indie folk of Provo are absolutely thrilled for the Seagull Book x Lonely Gost spring collection.  “This launch is really going to be great for Love, Share, Invite,” says brand representative and ward mission … Continue reading Deseret Book Announces Lonely Ghost Collaboration

FSY Album Snubbed At 2024 Grammy Awards

The 66th Annual Grammy Awards were held tonight in Los Angeles, California. The 2023 For the Strength of Youth Album, I Can Do All Things Through Christ, was anticipated to win big this year, but fans were left disappointed. Album of the year went, for the fourth time, to Taylor Swift for Midnights. “Of course we’re disappointed,” said Nik Day, a seasoned musician who collaborated … Continue reading FSY Album Snubbed At 2024 Grammy Awards

BYU Erects Razor Wire Along UVU Border

Saying that he was “fed up” with Utah Valley University students using BYU housing, amenities, and facilities, BYU’s new border czar ordered the erection of razor wire fences on the border of the two school’s territories. Grejg Nunbott, whose official title is “Protector of Cougarland Security,” has affiliated with violent extremist elements in the ROC Board. The wire, erected Monday, cuts through the Wal-Mart on … Continue reading BYU Erects Razor Wire Along UVU Border

Punxsutawney Phil Sees Shadow, Predicts Six More Years of You Being Single

In a shocking turn of events, Punxsutawney Phil has expanded his ability to prognosticate. In addition to his prediction about spring, Punxsy Phil says that you will be single for at least six more years. “I guess yesterday was the wrong day to break up with my boyfriend,” says sophomore Kyleigh McManussen. “I’ve been single for 29 years. What’s six more?” says grad student Jeyson … Continue reading Punxsutawney Phil Sees Shadow, Predicts Six More Years of You Being Single