Y Mountain Comes Out During Pride Month

Y Mountain’s sexuality has been a topic of speculation for quite some time. While some Provo residents assumed its 118-year stint of singledom was due only to the lack of the right partner, others had their suspicions. Today, rumors were laid to rest as Y Mountain announced it is in fact a homosexual rock formation. Provo residents from all over the political spectrum are weighing … Continue reading Y Mountain Comes Out During Pride Month

BYU Announces June As Humility Month

Hold off on posting that hot new selfie: it’s time to get humble. BYU, inspired by recent Church leadership directives to cultivate and foster a spirit of meekness, lowliness, and modesty, has decided to announce June as Humility Month. Honor Code Office representative Mark Magleby is excited for the change and explained the roadmap for Humility Month: “This is a really exciting time for BYU, … Continue reading BYU Announces June As Humility Month

Breaking: Least Charismatic Person in Your Ward Called as Sunday School Teacher

Provo residents report an increasing struggle to stay for the 2nd hour block of church. In light of this decreasing attendance, Provo 2846th ward knew they had to step up and make a change. That’s why they called Derrick, the least charismatic person within ward boundaries, as sole Sunday school teacher. “He was the perfect fit. His voice drones on like a dying air conditioning … Continue reading Breaking: Least Charismatic Person in Your Ward Called as Sunday School Teacher

BYU Preps For Oncoming EFY Storm

In just a few short weeks, BYU will be infested…not with insects or rodents, but with something far worse–EFY Teenagers.  BYU officials are aware of the monumental task that lies before them and have vowed to properly fortify BYU’s campus to face the onslaught, even creating a new task force called the Student Humanitarian Aid Response Team. We asked top BYU officials what their plan … Continue reading BYU Preps For Oncoming EFY Storm