BYU Introduces New AAVE Dialect Course for Upcoming Term

What is AAVE? For most Provo residents, it may be difficult to answer. Is that a campus building or a new streaming service? No. It’s BYU’s latest language course. For the last few months, the BYU Department of Linguistics and Office of Belonging have worked tirelessly in tandem to create AAVE 101. Still not sure what it is? That’s what the course is for, stupid—maybe … Continue reading BYU Introduces New AAVE Dialect Course for Upcoming Term

Cosmo Gets Baptized

Cosmo Cougar officially joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints this weekend. Some readers may be surprised to find out that Cosmo was not already a member, but Cosmo had never indicated either way. If not previously a member, how did Cosmo Cougar become the mascot for the Church-owned school? Cosmo has a brother, Carlo, who joined the Church and attended BYU. Cosmo … Continue reading Cosmo Gets Baptized

5 Gangs to Watch out for in Provo

Far from the beacon of safety it was once known as, Provo, Utah has recently been ranked #4 in the nation for gang violence. Taking a moment to familiarize yourself with these groups may help you to protect yourself and your family. Tunnel Singers This gang’s stronghold is located under the tunnel in front of the Marriot Center. They are most hostile when shaded in … Continue reading 5 Gangs to Watch out for in Provo

God announces He prefers to be thanked for “the rain” rather than “the moisture”

With the beehive state and many others facing drought conditions of increasing seriousness, local leaders and general authorities alike have encouraged the members in their stakes to pray for rain. Somehow during this invitation for supplications of precipitation, a large portion of members got the idea that rather than use the word “rain” to describe what they wish to receive, they should instead say “moisture.” … Continue reading God announces He prefers to be thanked for “the rain” rather than “the moisture”

Cosmo Cougar Swings into HFAC on Wrecking Ball

To the average student who knows very little about construction, the HFAC demolishing is weird, done in sections instead of all at once. A particular individual got fed up with the lack of action and was spotted this morning, swinging on a wrecking ball. “Gwwrrroowwwwllll,” sang Cosmo, expressing his distain in BYU’s lack of speed. “Gwwrroowwwwwlll… rawr, rawr!” Nobody knows how Cosmo deviously licked the … Continue reading Cosmo Cougar Swings into HFAC on Wrecking Ball