Misguided Religious Studies Major Flips Tables at the Cougareat

The CougarEat was thrown into chaos last week when religious studies major Gordon Jacobsen unexpectedly began flipping tables and attempting to “cast out” the employees of Chick-Fil-A and other establishments. “To defile the Lord’s campus in such a way is nothing short of an affront to God,” said Jacobsen. “Jesus overthrew the seats of those who overcharge for doves in Matthew 21:12. Those who overcharge … Continue reading Misguided Religious Studies Major Flips Tables at the Cougareat

Helaman Halls Prank War Escalates, Hostages Taken

The tension started out small: a stolen couch here, a fire alarm pulled there. However, in recent days, open hostilities have broken out in Helaman Halls, resulting in multiple hostages taken from both buildings and metaphorical (and possibly literal) blood spilled. No peace agreement has, of yet, been brokered. “Those jerks in Merrill destroyed the pool table in the lobby!” Cole Lateral, high-ranking member of … Continue reading Helaman Halls Prank War Escalates, Hostages Taken

“Dead Learning Suite Theory” Suggests Everyone On LS Except You is a Bot

Campus conspiracy theorists have been abuzz lately over an unsettling new claim: that BYU’s Learning Suite tool, the staple of the university’s digital education endeavors, now consists solely of a complex network of AI bots. This would render every single interaction on the platform, from discussion boards to assignment feedback, meaningless and artificial, even more than they already were. The theory spawns from a series … Continue reading “Dead Learning Suite Theory” Suggests Everyone On LS Except You is a Bot

Choose2Give Campaign Resorts to Vigilantism

After receiving less donations than expected this year, the Choose2Give campaign has hired a masked figure to secure sufficient funds for students in need. These funds are reportedly being procured through the attacking of random students and redistributing the loot to other random students. “He’s like a broken Robin Hood that steals from the poor to give to the poor,” says economics major Nataleigh Bryant. … Continue reading Choose2Give Campaign Resorts to Vigilantism

Historic! New Speed Record on Testing Center Midterm

Based on official reports out of the testing center, Brayzden Richards has set the record for the fastest midterm with a time of 22.1 seconds. He narrowly beat the previous record of 37 minutes. Brayzden Richards explained that he didn’t even look at the test, “I was completely unprepared, so I went in with ‘When in doubt, ‘C’ it out!’” It was a true/false exam. … Continue reading Historic! New Speed Record on Testing Center Midterm