Provo High buying license plate

Student Makes Fortune Selling Out-of-State License Plates to Utah Natives

BYU Junior Carson Adams has allegedly made thousands of dollars over the past year helping Utah natives hide their true state of residence. For just $200, hundreds of students previously embarrassed of their Provo heritage have been able to cover it up completely by purchasing license plates and documents from their state of choice. “The most popular one is California, but every once in a … Continue reading Student Makes Fortune Selling Out-of-State License Plates to Utah Natives

BYU Testing Center Hires TSA to Increase Honor

Honor on BYU campus has hit an all-time low according to campus officials and they have called upon the only department on campus they trust to help: the Testing Center. Testing officials made the shocking announcement this morning that they are hiring TSA agents to increase security and honor campus-wide. New security checkpoints are going to be set up for screening outside of the testing … Continue reading BYU Testing Center Hires TSA to Increase Honor

Local Smith’s Grocery Store Installs Plasma-Accepting Cash Registers to ‘Cut Out Middleman’

Over the weekend, Smith’s updated their cash registers with a plethora of plasma-collecting medical equipment, officially kickstarting its “PlasmaPay” program for the college town of Provo. Starting today, customers may begin paying for their groceries directly with blood. This bold move, Smith’s executives claim, will save hundreds of poor students several hours a week by eliminating their need to visit official plasma collection facilities. “This … Continue reading Local Smith’s Grocery Store Installs Plasma-Accepting Cash Registers to ‘Cut Out Middleman’

Elon Musk Reveals Hyperloop Pilot Program to Overcome Provo Transportation Crisis

Elon Musk made a surprise announcement on behalf of SpaceX this morning, stating in a joint press conference with the City Council that Provo had been selected as the pilot city for Hyperloop transit. Musk sees the college town as the ideal spot to test this newest mode of transportation, due in part to its never-ending construction projects. The Hyperloop, which was originally pitched by … Continue reading Elon Musk Reveals Hyperloop Pilot Program to Overcome Provo Transportation Crisis