Student Discovers Nephite Treasures in Wilk Tunnels

Beneath BYU’s seemingly benign campus lays an intricate network of tunnels and caverns that have, until now, been undiscovered. (Except for your unemployed friends on Tuesday afternoons, that is.) Indeighyeanna Jensen, a 21 year old who moonlights as a freelance explorer and treasure-hunter, has made a stunning discovery deep under the Wilk, leaving students amazed and inspired. “When I heard about the sword of Laban, … Continue reading Student Discovers Nephite Treasures in Wilk Tunnels

LSB Chemical Spill Contaminates Duck Pond, Creates Teenage Mutant Ninja Mallards.

A new genre of semi-aquatic Provo residents just dropped! In a shocking turn of events, a freak accident in the LSB caused a cascade of toxic, possibly radioactive ooze down the slopes surrounding the building. These contaminants found their way towards the beloved south campus duck pond causing a complete (and totally rad!) metamorphosis among some of the local fauna.  When questioned about his involvement, … Continue reading LSB Chemical Spill Contaminates Duck Pond, Creates Teenage Mutant Ninja Mallards.