Helaman Halls Prank War Escalates, Hostages Taken

The tension started out small: a stolen couch here, a fire alarm pulled there. However, in recent days, open hostilities have broken out in Helaman Halls, resulting in multiple hostages taken from both buildings and metaphorical (and possibly literal) blood spilled. No peace agreement has, of yet, been brokered. “Those jerks in Merrill destroyed the pool table in the lobby!” Cole Lateral, high-ranking member of … Continue reading Helaman Halls Prank War Escalates, Hostages Taken

St. Patrick’s Day Rebranded to Celebrate Elder Kearon: “Patrick’s Day”

In late 2023, a new member of the Quorum of the Twelve was ordained: an Englishman who has quickly captured the minds, and especially the hearts, of many members of the Church. March 17th, a day that has traditionally celebrated the achievements of St. Patrick of Ireland, has been reworked this year to instead focus on a superior Patrick– namely, Patrick Kearon. “We felt that … Continue reading St. Patrick’s Day Rebranded to Celebrate Elder Kearon: “Patrick’s Day”

Entire Campus Gets Duped By Mother Nature

After a week of 60-degree sunshine, Provo residents believed that winter was over and they could discard their gloves and long underwear and start playing spikeball again. Unfortunately, on Monday, Mother Nature struck with a frozen vengeance, confusing everyone. “This sucks,” says sophomore Jaxun Jackson. “I wore a t-shirt and shorts today and bam! It’s snowing. I mean, I probably would have worn that outfit … Continue reading Entire Campus Gets Duped By Mother Nature

Student Beginning to Realize Just How Screwed She is for Midterms

In the season of unexpected snowstorms and uninvited professions of love come the nemesis of every college student: midterms. According to reliable sources, one local student has declared that she is “completely screwed” for all her upcoming exams. “I just don’t know what to do,” freshman Carolyne Carter lamented. “I thought the semester started a few days ago, and now I’ve got tests and projects … Continue reading Student Beginning to Realize Just How Screwed She is for Midterms

Every Couple You Know Gets Engaged Over Valentine’s Weekend

In what experts are referring to as an “unprecedented catastrophe”, every person currently in a relationship in Provo got engaged over Valentine’s Weekend, leaving the city in a state of romantic chaos. The Provo City Council declared a state of emergency on Friday as the number of proposals skyrocketed. Local YSA bishoprics are also struggling against the sheer weight of the situation. “All temple schedulers … Continue reading Every Couple You Know Gets Engaged Over Valentine’s Weekend