New BYU Policy: Infants Who Attend Class With Parent Will Receive Course Credit

A new BYU policy states that infants who attend their parent’s classes will receive partial course credit. To qualify, the infant will be expected to have consistent attendance and the parent will need to read assigned reading aloud to their child. If the infant sleeps through class, they will be eligible to receive no higher than a C. BYU believes it only fair to still … Continue reading New BYU Policy: Infants Who Attend Class With Parent Will Receive Course Credit

Cosmo and Cosma Relationship in Jeopardy After Conflict Over Cosma’s Pet Rock

BYU’s favorite celebrity couple, Cosmo and Cosma cougars, are reportedly going through a rough patch. The couple’s recent issues have been attributed to conflict around Cosma’s new pet rock, Rocco. “You can’t have that cookie, Cosmo, Rocco wants to eat it!” Cosma was heard shouting after Cosmo’s alleged attempt to eat an oatmeal raisin cookie. This is breaking news as, along with the celebrity couple … Continue reading Cosmo and Cosma Relationship in Jeopardy After Conflict Over Cosma’s Pet Rock

Entire City of Provo to Close for Holland Devotional

As part of its goal to be spiritually strengthening, Brigham Young University holds devotionals or campus forums every Tuesday. Speakers have included general authorities and auxiliaries, professors, and religious leaders from other faiths. In an effort to encourage attendance of these events, many places around campus close during devotionals, including the Cougareat, the Cannon Center, the testing center, the BYU store, and even some emergency … Continue reading Entire City of Provo to Close for Holland Devotional

BYU Entertainment Groups Rated By How Family Friendly They Are

Symphonic Band – G They literally just play their instruments. Vocal Point – PG-13 All they wanted for Christmas was to say the f word, so Kevin said they could have one. Noteworthy – PG-13 Full disclosure, we’ve never seen Noteworthy but they seem close enough to the Barden Bellas and Pitch Perfect is rated PG-13 so we’ll just go with that. The Cougarettes – … Continue reading BYU Entertainment Groups Rated By How Family Friendly They Are