Poor, Poor Kevin: No One Looked for President Worthen’s Easter Eggs

It has been four days since Easter Sunday and President Kevin J. Worthen has reported, with sadness, that the Easter eggs he hid have still not been found. “I understand it’s a stressful time being the end of the semester and all, but I expected at least a few students to participate in the festivities,” commented the disappointed President Worthen. Worthen reportedly filled a “solid … Continue reading Poor, Poor Kevin: No One Looked for President Worthen’s Easter Eggs

Conference Highlight: 9% Tithing for the Rest of 2021

President Russell M. Nelson’s opening remarks brought hope and comfort by inspiring confidence in the gospel’s progress and announcing a surprising new policy. Highlights from the session include a surprising announcement relating to tithing. President Nelson said, “During the past… months, a global pandemic, raging wildfires, and other natural disasters have turned our world upside down… I pray for all who are currently suffering”, before … Continue reading Conference Highlight: 9% Tithing for the Rest of 2021

Culinary Arts and Mathematics Departments Engage in Dramatic Custody Battle Over Pi Day

Pi day is a celebration of the mathematical constant, π, that is often celebrated by eating pie. Although usually a peaceful and harmless event, this year BYU’s approach to the festivities has been marked by continually increasing conflict. Traditionally, the Mathematics department has led the pi day festivities with games, t-shirts, and infamously, poetry (don’t ask about the pikus). However, this year the Culinary Arts … Continue reading Culinary Arts and Mathematics Departments Engage in Dramatic Custody Battle Over Pi Day

Honor Code Office Restricts Beard-Patterned Masks

Brigham Young University has long had a policy of requiring men to be clean-shaven. The BYU Dress and Grooming Standards state that “men are expected to be clean-shaven; beards are not acceptable.” Recently, however, some students have been attempting to side step this rule in a creative new way. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone on campus is required to wear a mask while indoors … Continue reading Honor Code Office Restricts Beard-Patterned Masks

New Vaccine Side Effect Reported – Running into the guy you ghosted

As supply of the COVID-19 vaccine increases, more and more people are having the opportunity to be vaccinated. For the most effective protection from the virus, two doses are required. Side effects can include swelling, fever, and running into the guy you ghosted. We sat down with BYU student Mikahla Waters for a first hand account.  “I was thrilled to get my first dose of … Continue reading New Vaccine Side Effect Reported – Running into the guy you ghosted