Three Times the Scriptures Predicted BYU’s Sweet 16 Loss

BYU sadly fell to Alabama in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. However, this did not come as a surprise to biblical scholars. There are multiple instances where this was prophesied. Matthew 25:32-34 And before TNT shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his Tide from the Cougs. And he shall set the Tide … Continue reading Three Times the Scriptures Predicted BYU’s Sweet 16 Loss

Provo Stake Honors EQPs This Presidents’ Day

The Provo YSA 147th Stake is honoring their Elders Quorum Presidents (EQPs) this Presidents’ Day. The stake president, Ehren Rojhers, made sure to have people ready to serve all the EQPs all day. They started with breakfast in bed and homemade cards from members of the ward. The rest of the day was filled with many service projects. Rojhers said, “Our guys spend an average … Continue reading Provo Stake Honors EQPs This Presidents’ Day

Andy Reid Seen Crying, Singing “You’re Not Your Mistakes”

After losing the Super Bowl to the Eagles 40-22, Andy Reid was seen crying and singing “You’re Not Your Mistakes” in a dark corner of the locker room. “I have no words of my own. Only the words of EFY can help me now,” said Reid. Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift were also seen singing “I Am a Child of God.”   Continue reading Andy Reid Seen Crying, Singing “You’re Not Your Mistakes”

Donald Trump Renames Utah Lake to “BYU Lake”

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday night changing the name of Utah Lake to BYU Lake. According to him, “It’s a change everyone has been wanting. ‘B-Y-U Lake’ just has a much better ring. BYU will reclaim its rightful place as the greatest, most powerful, most respected university on earth inspiring the awe, admiration of the entire world. We are changing the name … Continue reading Donald Trump Renames Utah Lake to “BYU Lake”

Ghost of MLK Thanks BYU for Ending Racism

Early this morning, the administration of BYU received an angelic message from on high. The benevolent Ghost of Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed that “Brigham Young University has done more to combat racism than any other institution on the planet.” MLK’s ghost cited many examples of students from Utah finally encountering their first person of color. “Coming to BYU taught me that people of color … Continue reading Ghost of MLK Thanks BYU for Ending Racism