Entire Campus Gets Duped By Mother Nature

After a week of 60-degree sunshine, Provo residents believed that winter was over and they could discard their gloves and long underwear and start playing spikeball again. Unfortunately, on Monday, Mother Nature struck with a frozen vengeance, confusing everyone.

“This sucks,” says sophomore Jaxun Jackson. “I wore a t-shirt and shorts today and bam! It’s snowing. I mean, I probably would have worn that outfit regardless of the temperature, but yeah. I already took all my coats to DI and everything.”

Other students expressed mental health frustrations with the return of wintry weather. Freshman Hayleigh Smith complained, “I thought I was in the clear. I sat out in the sun for an hour yesterday and felt dopamine receptors open that I didn’t even know I had. But nope, now I’m depressed again.”

Psychology professor, Dr. Mark Reynolds, weighed in on the matter: “We are, innately, people that like to hope. We see one sunny day and immediately believe that the worst is over. This cruel prank of Mother Nature’s is a reminder that optimism is a flawed ideology.”

Meanwhile, meteorologists forecast more cold weather for the rest of the week, leaving freshman to wonder whether spring in Provo is real or just a myth passed down by upperclassman who claimed to see it once in a dream.

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