Best Things to Read on Reading Day

Another semester gone means another campus-wide celebration in the form of Reading Day. But what exactly is there to read? We’re glad you asked.

“The Cat in the Hat”

by Dr. Seuss

For anyone new to this whole “reading” thing, Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat is a great way to get started. While challenging at times, the intricate story and masterful character development are worth every hour you spend on it.

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by Some Website You’ll Never Visit Again

Maybe it’s time to see what it’s all about.

Your Classes’ Grading Policies

By Your Professors

What’s the lowest possible score you can get on the final without failing? It’s a good thing they dedicated an entire day to figuring that out.

“Hottest Statues on BYU Campus”

by Alternate Universe

Pretty soon you’ll be calculating your new routes around campus. Why not take the scenic ones?

The Room

Hey, man. Take a motherloving hint.

The Thinly Veiled Threat of a Calling That You’ve Been Ignoring

by Your Second Counselor

You can only stall for so long.