Karl G. Maeser
Everyone’s seen his beautiful bronze beard, but has anyone seen a beautiful bronze beard card to match it? We asked him to show it multiple times and he flat out ignored us. Reported!
Brigham Young
They were so focused on not giving him a beard that they completely forgot to keep his hair adequately trimmed. Either stop by Studio 1030 or the Honor Code office, champ, because we’re good with either!
Massasoit’s abs actually have been reported to the Honor Code office hundreds of times, but we keep bailing him out. We’re more than okay with letting this one slide.
Bookstore Shirt Mannequins
Abhorrent. Repugnant. They put these mannequins out here for everyone to see, and they didn’t stop for a second to wonder whether they should give them some pants. Vile.
The “Tree of Wisdom”
Whatever happened to honesty? Integrity? This doesn’t even look like a tree. Who do they think they’re fooling?
This sign at the duck pond implying people can’t swim in it
Being “considerate of others” isn’t some hidden part of the Honor Code. It’s right there in the standards and we’re willing to bet that this sign didn’t even read them. Until they give us our own pond to swim in, the ducks are just going to have to share.
Kennedy Center Mural Guy
He ain’t gotta be doing all that.