Spotlight on the MARB

Everyone is familiar with BYU’s classroom building of all time. But how much do you really know about its deeper lore? Our journalists have put their lives on the line to gather this highly classified information about the MARB.

  1. The MARB was dedicated on October 5, 1970.
  2. Scholars agree that the MARB is definitely there, but no one is sure who put it there.
  3. The MARB comprises 43,717 square feet of dismal chaos.
  4. Each aspect of the MARB was meticulously designed to create the worst possible learning and test-taking environment for students.
  5. Every year, BYU tells the construction company to knock down the MARB, and every year, they accidentally destroy the wrong building.
  6. Please remove your shoes prior to entering the MARB.
  7. If you were to attempt to grow several mango trees in the MARB, it would not work.
  8. Every weekend, the MARB is miraculously lifted up into heaven, only to fall back to Earth early Monday morning. We don’t know why this happens.
  9. The MARB is a poor choice for a first date destination.
  10. The stairwell leading to the basement of the MARB is only visible to those who have witnessed death.
  11. In 1984, a duck from the pond was released into the MARB as a life science experiment. That duck grew up to be President C. Shane Reese, marking another successful endeavor for the folks at the LSB.
  12. Anyone capable of beating Cosmo in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu match is legally allowed to take the MARB.
  13. Early transcripts of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno identify the MARB as the outermost circle of hell–not quite eternal torture but definitely pretty sweaty and uncomfortable.

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