Y Mountain Comes Out During Pride Month

Y Mountain’s sexuality has been a topic of speculation for quite some time. While some Provo residents assumed its 118-year stint of singledom was due only to the lack of the right partner, others had their suspicions. Today, rumors were laid to rest as Y Mountain announced it is in fact a homosexual rock formation.

Provo residents from all over the political spectrum are weighing in about Y Mountain’s coming out.

“I’m just glad Y Mountain felt comfortable enough to tell us,” said Dr. [redacted], a mad chill professor of anthropology.

“Y Mountain gay,” said Hettro Normativ, a student athlete who in actuality said something much more offensive.

BYU Administration was quick to sever all association with Y Mountain, sending out a university-wide email within 0.2 seconds of the mountain’s announcement.

“We claim no affiliation with this mountain,” read the email.

While Y Mountain’s sexuality it no longer up for debate, one big question still remains. Will Y Mountain act on their feelings? Perhaps only time will tell.

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