BYU Announces June As Humility Month

Hold off on posting that hot new selfie: it’s time to get humble.

BYU, inspired by recent Church leadership directives to cultivate and foster a spirit of meekness, lowliness, and modesty, has decided to announce June as Humility Month.

Honor Code Office representative Mark Magleby is excited for the change and explained the roadmap for Humility Month: “This is a really exciting time for BYU, but we have to make sure we don’t pat ourselves on the back too much. We are going to have a humility parade to show how much we value humility and meekness, complete with parade participants in sackcloth and ashes.”

Asked how this will correlate to student life on campus, Magleby said,

“Students are encouraged to dress in shades of gray and wear unflattering shaped clothing so as to eliminate any prideful or envious ideas between them. Boastful social media posts are also strongly discouraged, unless it is done in the spirit of the ‘Humble Brag’ and the poster talks about how hard their life is. ”

To some at BYU, this announcement comes as a much-hoped-for revelation, like for McBrickslynn Hansen. “After I got back from my mission to Iowa, I feel like I’ve slowly lost sight of being the perfectly humble sister missionary I used to be. But I started studying humility in Preach My Gospel and so hearing about humility month is like totally an answer to prayers!!”


The Alternate Universe has come up with some helpful tips to make sure you get the most out of Humility Month:

  • Hang out in the testing center: Nothing can debase and humble a student quite like spending time in the most stressful building on campus. You will find it so easy to submit to the spirit of prayer and supplication! Bonus points if you bomb a test on purpose to eliminate any feelings of pride in your education.
  • Make a social media post about giving up social media: Let your friends and family know how humble you are by announcing to them that you do not need the very platform that you are posting on.
  • Come out as humble: Humility is on a spectrum and there are many ways to be a part of the humble community. Take the leap of faith and show people who you really are.