Kevin Worthen Found Guilty–Of Having Too Much Fun!

A jury of his peers found former BYU President Kevin Worthen to be guilty as charged–for having too much fun. Since last year, Worthen has been working at Yale University as the Michael Doyle and Bunny Winter Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law. However, his colleagues have not been enthused by his presence.

K-dubs has been partying every weekend since arriving in New Haven, Connecticut. Sources close to Kev-bot say that he had so much pent-up energy after seven years presiding over BYU. Without the Honor Code Office constantly looking over his shoulder, Mr. K felt like he really unwind and unleash his true self.

Don’t worry, though. Our boy is still keeping it holy. His partying involves family-friendly Jackbox Games, chips and dip, friendship bracelets, and chocolate milk pong. He is also constantly inviting his colleagues to game nights and FHE. “I don’t know what he’s talking about,” said Archibald Ellison. “FHE this. Trek that. Deaconitis? What? Also, he keeps calling me Brother Arch.”

Earlier this year, Lil’ Worthy was charged with 34 counts of raucous behavior. Yale administrators assembled a council of fellow professors to judge his actions. After several months of trials, orchestrated by law students, K-dubs was found guilty on all counts.

Kevin Worthy said in a post-trial press conference, “I’d like to take this chance to apologize, to absolutely nobody!”

Kevin is set to be sentenced next month.