Today, Elder Michael McMasterson of the Australia Melbourne Mission admitted that he started reading the New Testament for the first time earlier this week.
In an email he wrote: “I never knew this, but the New Testament is actually fire. Jesus and Paul really be saying a lot of dope stuff.”
McMastersons’ parents, Donny and Mary, are both elated and disappointed: “He’s 20-years-old and we always told him to read other scriptures besides the first three chapters of 1 Nephi. He finally started reading other books of the Book of Mormon and Bible in month 22 of his mission. I guess it’s better late than never.”
Elder Jamison Deanson, McMasteron’s new senior companion reportedly said, “He’s been telling me, ‘You know we should actually use this in our lesson prep,’ I had to tell him that I’ve been doing that for weeks.
McMasterson was also able to do a lot of reading about Easter and the events leading up to it. “Yo, I never realized how crazy that week was. When I got to Friday I was like, ‘They really had us in the first half,’ and when I read about Sunday I was like, ‘We’re so back.'”