Cosmo Cougar Facing Backlash After Nude Homecoming Scandal

Nobody knew that cougars could have six packs, and nobody wanted to know.

Over the weekend, #CosmoCanceled became the number one trending hashtag on social media platforms due to the BYU mascot’s recent homecoming performance. The cougar surprised all present when, without (official) authorization by BYU, he tore his shirt off and began to perform a traditional Hawaiian fire dance.  Observers were unwillingly exposed to the performance for a total of about 15 minutes, and though the audience’s initial reaction was applause, subsequent responses have been mixed.

“I’ve never been more uncomfortable in my life,” commented Tyfanney Brimhall, a freshman majoring in psychology. “As soon as it happened, the Spirit left the football game, so me and my friends did too.”

“I go to VASA for three hours a day and I’m not allowed to show anyone on campus,” said Brogham Brown, a third-year exercise science major. “Then Cosmo pulls up, and all of the sudden I’m scared that my girlfriend is more attracted to a cougar than me.”

In response to the hashtag as well as letters from outraged students and parents who attended the game, BYU issued a statement:

“The University is shocked and saddened by Cosmo’s recent performance. His actions do not reflect University Policies, and we will be carefully ensuring that he follows the Honor Code in the future. Counseling will be provided, free of charge, to any students affected by the incident.”

It is unclear whether or not Cosmo will be required to talk to his bishop following the event.

The Alternate Universe has reached out to Cosmo’s attorneys for comment.