Advice for Incoming Freshmen from Recent Graduates

It’s the start of a new chapter in your life. You might feel scared, and that’s ok. We are here to help. We have compiled a list of advice from recent graduates about how to find success at Brigham Young University – Provo. 


  1. “Whenever possible, pray and bear your testimony in your mission language.”
  2. “Never worry about parking. You can park anywhere on campus, even on the sidewalks.”
  3. “Purchase an iPad instead of a laptop. Every piece of software required by your courses is compatible with tablets, not laptops.”
  4. “Buy all of your books from the BYU Bookstore. It’s even better when they’re hardcover.”
  5. “Don’t know where your next class is? Email your professor!”
  6. “Sprint to each of your classes.”
  7. “Bring a briefcase instead of a backpack to show how serious you are about your work.”
  8. “Wear a Captain America t-shirt with flip-flops. This will help you get with the ladies.”
  9. “If you plan to leave for a mission at the end of this semester, prepare now by filling up for your entire class schedule with religion classes. This will also help you to complete the requirements ahead of time.”
  10. “Sign up for 18 credit hours.”
  11. “Listen to Central Cee or The Piano Guys without headphones.”
  12. “Bring a black umbrella to Rainbow Day. People will think you’re so cool and based.”
  13. “Skip general chemistry and go straight to organic chemistry.”
  14. “Audition for Divine Comedy.”
  15. “Take the Eternal Family class during your first semester, then take Marriage Prep your second semester.”
  16. “Do not look at Rate My Professor. It is an extremely unethical website.”
  17. “Tell everyone that you’re ‘only here for your MRS Degree’ because that ish is gonna be pushed on you anyway. You may as well beat them to the punch.”
  18. “Introduce yourself to everyone as a ‘future pediatric neurosurgeon.’ People are gonna love you instantly.”
  19. “Sign up for the most expensive meal plan.”
  20. “Get an apartment managed by Redstone Residential.”
  21. “Play ‘Waterfall’ by John Schmidt on every single piano that you see.”
  22. “Do not use the Y-app. It can track your cookies, and if you eat Crumbl instead of the BYU brand, it will make you flunk out of school.”
  23. “Pretend that college is just like Pitch Perfect. Burst out singing whenever you feel like it.”
  24. “Address your female professors by ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Sister’ instead of ‘Dr.’ to remind them that it’s BYU.”


Source: BYU Exit Survey results which are never anonymous and certainly are made public.