Provo Voices: Do We Need to Bless the Food if it’s Synthetic?

The FDA just approved in vitro culture meat for human consumption. With little debate over its decreased environmental impact, Church members wonder if it’s even worth it to pray for. On one hand, you probably don’t have to beg God for forgiveness over eating an animal that you paid someone to slaughter. On the other, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and this meat is gonna be hecka expensive. Anyone rich enough to afford this food must consider begging God for forgiveness.



“It’s not real food, so you don’t really need to pray for it. You don’t have to pray every time you take medicine.” 

Dappie Doudna – Pharmacist


“I’m a seasonal vegetarian, and there’s no way I’m eating this. No amount of praying is gonna prevent the runs.”

Bodippy Franklin – Realist


“I’d rather just eat the cell culture media. Looks like fruit punch.”

Falloydin Pasteurer – Innovator