Wymount Terrace Revealed to be Thriving Swinger Community

“Everyone knows the Law of Chastity doesn’t apply anymore once you get married!” said Bambeigh Kymbul as she told her friend Jariqua about what she and her husband had been up to. Bambeigh thought that Jariqua might be interested in participating in a swing session with her and her husband. 

Bambeigh was unfortunately mistaken. Following that conversation, Jariqua immediately reported Bambeigh and her husband Matayeaux to the Honor Code Office, launching a weeks-long investigation into Wymount Terrace. The investigation found that many couples at Wymount were swinging, a practice where married or otherwise official couples will commit sexual acts with people outside the relationship. 

Interviews with some of the couples revealed that couples interested in swinging would decorate their front doorstep with a pineapple. Armed with this information, the Honor Code Office became much more efficient.

“We were able to convict 78% of the couples living at Wymount. Only 34% of the couples admitted to swinging, but then we started counting pineapples on doorsteps.” said Mark Clark, detective at the Honor Code Office.

Bishops of Wymount wards and the Honor Code Office are booked out for weeks in untangling this mess of chastity and repentance. Alas, it seems that the Law of Chastity still applies even after temple marriage.