New Sins Announced in General Conference

In this ever-changing world, members often look for stricter guidelines on how to live their life. This conference, the Quorum of the Twelve and the First Presidency delivered. Here are five new sins to avoid in your Christ-centered life.

  1. Excessively large jewelry – Earrings must have a diameter below 2 inches and a total surface area below 5 square inches. Necklaces must have a chain diameter below 2 millimeters and are limited to one pendant, with a total surface area limit of below 3 square inches. The Church cited Alma 31:28 – “Behold, O my God, their costly apparel, and their ringlets, and their bracelets, and their ornaments of gold, and all their precious things… and behold, their hearts are set upon them.”
  2. Rubbing your boyfriend’s back in church – such a public display of affection is disrespectful to both the Lord, in His house, and the surrounding ward members who simply want to feel the Spirit and worship God.
  3. Consuming diet sodas with caffeine – The combination of addictive caffeine and the morally reprehensible aspartame are not good for the belly or the body. Diet caffeinated sodas have been added to the Word of Wisdom. Note that diet non-caffeinated sodas and caffeinated non-diet drinks are still LDS-Kosher.
  4. Not fasting on Fast Sunday – Unless you’re medically unable to fast, all members are now required to observe Fast Sunday, even young children. Be prepared to hear even more crying during sacrament meetings going forward.
  5. Smelling bad – Expect to meet with your bishop if he or another member of the ward notices a funky aroma coming from you. Members should take care to shower often, wash their clothes, and wear deodorant when necessary.