Golden Plates Found In Melting Utah Snowpack

Weather experts and politicians have been warning Utahns about the nearly 200% snowpack this year. Emergency preparation has already begun for the soon-to-come street floods. However, it turns out that water isn’t the only thing coming out of the melting snow. Thanks to one brave hiker on the Y Mountain, we now know of the location of the Golden Plates.

Barry McBussentyre claims he was going for a leisurely stroll up Y mountain when he caught a glint of gold out of the corner of his eye. Initially assuming the reflection was that of a piece of garbage, he walked over to what he saw and found that rather than a discarded Clif Bar wrapper on the side of the trail, he was actually looking at none other than the venerated Golden Plates.

“The first thing I did was walk down the mountain until I got some decent reception, and then I called the Alternate Universe, the most respected newspaper in Utah,” said Barry, explaining his experience to our reporters.

He then called the church headquarters in Salt Lake City to explain the situation. “For some reason, when I called the headquarters in Salt Lake, they wouldn’t pass me through to the prophet. This is legitimate!” Because of this, the plates are currently in the hands of the Alternate Universe.

Despite prayers for Moroni to come and pick them up, the past few days have been Moroni-less, with only the response:  “Yeah, I’ll get to picking up the plates… at some point.”