President Nelson Forgets Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandson’s Name During Baby Blessing

On Monday, President Nelson’s twelfth great-great-great-great-grandchild was born. Problem is, he already has 758 direct living descendants, and that is a lot of names to keep track of. Somehow, there are no repeat names because of creativity giving rise to such great works of art that include the names McBambreigh, Jeanupher, Truxtersen, M3gan, Breauxleigh, and many more. 

Eddeligne “Eddee” Munson, the mother of the baby, was furious. “Who does he think he is? The pope? Nobody forgets my precious Breyesun’s name. Nobody!”

“I feel so bad that I forgot his name.” said Dr. Nelson. “I hardly remember his mother’s name, my great-great-great-grandaughter-in-law? I only just met her nine months ago at the wedding.”

Pres. Nelson informed us that he put together a Quizlet deck to review before every family gathering, about three times weekly. He hopes that that it won’t detract from his calling, but he has lots of faith in the “Learn” feature which tests his spelling. “This is how I got through medical school so quickly in the 1940s. Quizlet is very effective.”