5 Ways to Stop Segway Jerks from Running You Over

There is an epidemic of segway riders at BYU, and the administration has done nothing to regulate the usage. There are signs preventing bike riding between class switching, but nothing for segways or hoverboards. In the meantime, here are some brilliant ideas to stay safe.
  1. Say no. Nobody can run you over without your consent. Channel your inner Dora the Explorer and tell them, “Segway no Segwaying!”
  2. Point them in the direction of free food. They are likely all business majors, which means they have an intrinsic drive for sniffing out freebies. (If that doesn’t work, tell them the food is part of a big networking event.)
  3. Play chicken. Hopefully they will be the ones to fall over, not you. Their balance is between only one or two wheels, so standing firmly should work in your favor. Start working out your core now to make sure you never fail.
  4. Dress up like a missionary. This will give you a 6-foot avoidance radius from most people. Although segway riders seldom respect personal space, they’d at least feel some remorse about ruining church clothes as compared to sweat pants.
  5. Skip the deodorant. Repel them with your stench.