On This Veterans Day, Many Former APs Are Claiming Veteran Status

Veterans Day is a time for us to reflect on the men and women who have sacrificed everything in the service of our country. This holiday however, many are demanding we remember those who sacrificed in the service of God’s kingdom. Dozens of former APs are claiming veteran status, and demanding recognition for their service on the mission field.

Ethan Howe is one such man.

“I don’t think people understand,” says Howe. “I had to lead an entire mission for months. I slaved away and sacrificed, and I think I deserve at least a meal discount for it.”

Many are not on board with this, including actual veterans. We had Howe sit down with Mr. Abraham Field, a WWII veteran who participated in the storming of Normandy.

“I lost many of my friends that day,” says Mr. Field. “Buddies who I came to know and really cared about were lost on that beach. It was hard to come home after that and act like everything was ok. It just wasn’t ok anymore for me.”

Howe responded, “One time I had to pick up a guy from the airport at like 1 am.”

The encounter didn’t change Howe’s mind.

“It’s just ridiculous. I’m simply better and more spiritual than everyone else, and I think I deserve just a little more recognition for it.”

While it’s yet to be seen if this movement picks up steam, it’s clear that many, Howe included, have already made up their minds about their supposed valor.