As the weather gets colder and the tests get harder, the students of BYU lower their expectations and
jump into relationships. Here are the Top 5 types of couples that aren’t afraid of a little bit of PDA at BYU.
5. Tall White Guy with the Short Latina
Bonus points if they met on the mission and double bonus points if they’re engaged within two months of being home.
4. Freshman Girl with the Super Senior
If you think about it, eight years won’t be that much of a difference once they have five kids in the next six years.
3. The former AP and Sister Training Leader
You thought that this power couple would only make your life a living heck on the mission? Just you wait…
2. The Threesome (Newlyweds with their Baby)
Get your mind out of the gutter…This exhausted couple will be easily recognized by the sound of their “squeaky” third wheel.
1. The Feral Freshmen
These strange and horny creatures will often try to attract their mate by doing pull-ups in the WILK or going to tunnel singing.