Hidden Pro-Cannibalism Message Found by Playing FSY Album Backwards

Everyone loves hearing the youth sing the FSY medley. But this year, their song might be one not of praise, but of carnage. Janice Censordoll, a Provo Relief Society President, has found shocking pro-cannibalism messages hidden in this year’s FSY album. 

It all started while Censordoll was playing the new FSY album on her turntable. “I buy all church music on vinyl,” she said, “I tend to find God in the grooves.” However, she noticed something when she bumped her turntable.

“The album played backwards for a moment when I bumped it, and I heard the word cannibalism. I was shocked. I started to play it backwards again, and I realized the full phrase was ‘cannibalism is good.’”

This message was found on the song “God is Goated and That’s OK,” a popular tune among the Mormon youth. Horrified that such a mainstream song could hold such a frightening message, Censordoll began going through the entire album backwards, searching for subliminal messages. And her search was not in vain.

In the song “My Priesthood Power is Poppin’ Tonight”, we hear the phrase “Moses sure knew how to bust a move and Abraham had a funky groove.” When played backwards, Censordoll found the following lyric: “Man flesh, man flesh, yummy yummy man flesh, fill my tummy please.”

In the album’s final song, “Songs of Solomon (You’ve Got A Righteous Bod)”, we are told to “feel that holy feeling in the air.” When played backwards, we are instead told to “eat babies with salt and kale.”

In light of these discoveries, Censordoll is calling on all to protest and boycott the album. “We can’t condone cannibalism,” she says. “It’s just wrong and disgusting. Eating people isn’t in line with the message of FSY, and I don’t say that lightly.”

The Alternate Universe reached out to the songwriters for comment. They all sent back letters denying the allegations, but it should be noted the letters were stained with blood.