Missionaries expand technology use to Omegle, Reddit, Tumblr, Discord, Yikyak, AskFM, Quora and Bumble BFF

With the arrival of Coronavirus upending the world in 2020, missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were forced to adapt to new ways to find and teach nonmembers.

After some serious trial and error, the young Elders and Sisters have transformed Facebook from a social media platform for geezers into a platform for virtual teaching and finding. As the majority of these mission Facebook pages finally phased away from the more cringe-worthy videos to actual doctrinally sound content, General Authorities began praising the missionaries who began using social media during the pandemic as “pioneers” and refining regulations for worldwide missionary technology use. 

Two years beyond the introduction of missionaries to Facebook, church leaders have determined that now is the time to hasten the work of salvation through a plethora of additional mediums including Omegle, Reddit, Tumblr, Discord, Yikyak, AskFM, Quora, and Bumble BFF.

“We live in a remarkable age where God’s children are connected with one another in so many ways,” said Brent H. Nielson, director of the missionary department. “Sharing the restored gospel has always been about meeting people where they are, whether it be on the dusty roads to Damascus or the comment section of r/WholesomeMemes.” 

Brother Nielson and other officials of the church have affirmed their belief that missionaries will harness and develop the technology skills to bless them for years beyond their missionary service. He declined to comment on that embarrassing abomination of a missionary video that your cousin posted on Facebook while serving in early 2020.